Preseason Registration Is Active
Complete the following two items below (if questions please email wrestledragonyouth@gmail) :
1. Current/Active USA Wrestling card (You Must Purchase A USA Wrestling 24/25 Season Membership Before You Can Attend Practice).
ALL Wrestlers in K-8th grade please list Dragon Youth Wrestling as the primary club affiliate when purchasing an Athlete membership at:
*Wrestlers must provide a hard copy of their current USAW card before practicing.
2. Register Online
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the square box below that says "Preseason 2024 Registration" to Register.
**Registration fees are Non-Refundable.
PLEASE if you have any questions or concerns about the program(s) contact DYW
at [email protected] BEFORE registering your wrestler.
Please DYW parents join DYW SportsYou group. Download the SportsYou app to phone. Team Code: WQWZF4T9
***Attention this is NOT Carroll ISD Middle School Wrestling.
All 7th-8th graders interested in that program DO NOT register here.
Donate to support Dragon Youth Wrestling!
$10.00 - $1,000.00
$10.00 - $1,000.00