Registration Is Active
Complete the following two items below (if questions please email wrestledragonyouth@gmail) :
1. Current/Active USA Wrestling card (You Must Purchase A USA Wrestling 24/25 Season Membership Before You Can Attend Practice).
ALL Wrestlers in K-8th grade please list Dragon Youth Wrestling as the primary club affiliate when purchasing an Athlete membership at:
*Wrestlers must provide a hard copy of their current USAW card before practicing.
2. Register Online
Scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the square box below for your registration.
**Registration fees are Non-Refundable.
PLEASE if you have any questions or concerns about the program(s) contact DYW
at [email protected] BEFORE registering your wrestler.
To stay up to date, please DYW parents join our mailing list here. Also, SportsYou group by downloading the SportsYou app to phone. Team Code: WQWZF4T9
***Attention this is NOT Carroll ISD Middle School Wrestling.
All 7th-8th graders interested in that program DO NOT register here.

Donate to support Dragon Youth Wrestling!
$10.00 - $1,000.00
$10.00 - $1,000.00

SWC 7th-12th - 2025 Spring Registration

DYW 2025 Spring Registration